"A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2016."
flynn:: he's been staying up a little later at night and I so love this time with him. often he joins me in yoga, or helps with dishes, or draws or reads but he's always conversational, always making us laugh and offering to help out.
jonah:: just weeks shy of turning six, he's flexing his muscles in the arguing department. this week brought, "it's not like you're the boss of me" and "I'm not arguing with you. I'm just telling you you're wrong." good thing he's still so sweet and cuddly.
indy:: what a big week! pointing to his little teeth that hurt him so, pointing down forcefully when he's had enough confinement at the table and later on this same day, seemingly out of nowhere, he started walking. arms high overhead, huge grin and lots of squeals, this little one took his first steps while his brothers cheered and clapped in the background. what a great week.
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