Wednesday, February 17, 2016



"A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2016."

flynn:: a couple months shy of 10, still working on telling his own original knock-knock jokes, still painful as ever to listen to. it's interesting to me how from such a young age some people value individuality so much; they don't want to look just like anyone else, dress just like anyone else or sign their name at school like everyone else. i hope he always adds these little details and flourishes to all he does. for now, we'll all suffer through this barrage of bad puns together.

jonah:: only a couple days left as a five-year-old. last night he said he had a lot of work to do on the gifts he was making for us for his birthday. he's just that kinda guy.

indy:: terrified of the actual farm animals, he spent the day trying to make nice with the roaming cats, which were actually close in size to a lot of the barn animals. when that failed, he and his sandwich crust took up with the pack of female peacocks until this guy came along and tried to share lunch.

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